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Electronic signature

Get Your DigiSign Electronic Signature

Electronic signature

Digital signatures are the electronic form of holographic signatures, a reflection of the latter in the virtual space. These digital signatures cover the same functions and applications as the holographic signatures and their usage is highly recommended for the security and integrity provided. Moreover, if there are doubts as to the subscriber’s true identity in the case of holographic signatures, such doubts are practically eliminated in the case of electronic signatures, non-repudiation being 100% guaranteed.

“Electronic signature” is regarded as the broadest term allowing the authentication of electronic documents. The term “electronic signature” is generically used to confer neutrality and so as not to limit the provisions to the current encryption technology. The electronic signature is practically the equivalent of the authentication process of an electronic document through a qualified digital certificate.



is considered the generic term that allows the autentification of an electronic document
For more details regarding electronic signature legislation please check the    website of the Romanian Digitization Authority