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Available promotions

When you obtain the DigiSign qualified digital certificate through Video Identification, you also receive the eToken secure cryptographic device as a bonus!

How can you receive the offer:

  1. Acces Get your electronic signature - 100% online through Video Identification and choose one of the product;

Terms and condition.

Only at first enrollment or renewing the digital certificate qualified by DigiSign, CECCAR and CAFR members benefit from a 12% reduction from the price of the digital certificate!

How you can get the discount:

  1. Access the  DigiSign portal;
  2. When you complete the form specified in the instructions, select the correct field of activity "Financiar-Contabil" and choose "Promotie membrii CECCAR/CAFR" option from "Promotii" tab;

In order to prove your CECCAR or CAFR membership status, you must attach to the document file and a copy of the "Membership Card" or equivalent, signed and marked "According to the original".

Terms and condition.

The promotions offered are NOT cumulative!